Presbyterian Women

Usually 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:45pm - 9:15pm
(September - April)
PW provides an opportunity for ladies to meet in a very relaxed and informal setting as we chat and listen to speakers. As we join together it is our pray that we all grow in our understanding of God's love, mercy and grace in our own lives and through this show us how to help and support each other whatever the circumstances.

PW caters for ladies of all ages. At these meetings there is a varied programme and any lady is welcome to pop along even if it is only for the occasional night. Each evening we have an address from a guest speaker sharing a word about their work or experience and how their faith has enabled them deal with various life issues. These topics are particularly relevant to ladies. In addition to the speaker there will be an opportunity for praise, prayer, reflection and fellowship with others over some refreshments.

Throughout the year additional events are arranged, or promoted, which encourage and deepen the bonds between our ladies. These are often occasions when “new faces” come along to experience PW.

Our meeting usually finish around 9.15pm but ladies often remain “a wee while longer” to share together.

Got a Question?

Email: Emiline McDowell